Introduction: In 1830, the word coaching was first introduced in Oxford dictionary as a slang for tutor. From the West, Wilhelm Wundt and William James can be easily considered as the pioneers in what we call as coaching today. The former was with University of Leipzig and the latter with Harvard University. Both of them set up their labs in 1875 and did a lot of research on philosophical traditions. They preferred to call themselves as philosophers than professors! Most of us are also aware that only if a system facilitates self-inquiry and introspection it is referred to as philosophy.

But in the East, this concept self-inquiry is time immemorial or we can safely say at least 5000+ years old. This can be gauged from the fact that there are at least 9 philosophical systems through which the progressive nature of indic thoughts can be understood and harnessed for leading life better.

Despite being a pioneer in the field that includes psychology, William James had bouts of depression till the very end of his life. As he was a pioneer maybe he did not have access to a mentor or a coach or a teacher that 10000 hours rule Anders Ericsson recommends. Also the probable flaw in the lab developed systems are its emphasis on observing others, finding solutions to the problems outside, helping others, setting others' life etc., than focus on self-mastery first.

But the golden rule in the Eastern living traditions is to first set one's home in order. Thus the one who wishes to become a coach first resolves & sets one's vision, takes efforts to realize one's innate potential and abilities. Thus it is from personal realization that any traditional coach starts the journey to work on others. For some it may take 3 months and for someone a decade.

Gift of the gab would give good publicity but consistently living the principles ie acharana alone takes them as well as others with whom they work with, to help in self-discovery

The graduates of Life Coaching at the Indic Foundation have an overall understanding of these 9 systems and have personally benefitted from following the same. They are also exposed to today's trend, need, tools and standards of professional coaching.

They assiduously carry forward practices to enrich themselves in physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions. Moreover they operate from the state of abundance which is the very nature of Cosmos.

The purpose of this write-up is not to show anyone in bad light but to emphasize the importance of being connected to living traditions than solely depending on one man's intellect and the limitations of lab developed psychometrics or any other modules.

Some possible takeaways could be:

1) operate from the state of fullness

2) stay connected to living traditions which are the repository of knowledge

3) stay away from weekend mastery courses - as intellectual understanding is of no use unless it issues out as living as self mastery takes time

4) do research on the culture you are born in, to discover the gems in store for you, else latch on to an universal system like the living spiritual traditions of India

5) realize the importance of living the principles because coaching or teaching them as a career is incidental

6) understand the limitations of too much structures, templates, researches as the lab in which we need to do the research is not the World outside of us but within!

7) Do not be desperate, just be... let it dawn!

Why Indic approach?

The World is One Family (Vasudaiva Kutumbakam) is a key indic mindset. In India, this mindset continues to allow the co-existence of people from varied cultures, religions, languages and any other possible classifications too.

The content and delivery of these programs allows the participants to see (themselves &) life, as it is, without the shades programmed by their culture, religion, mother tongue and many such parameters.

Through these programs we enable the participants to see diversity as a strength. This stems from the conviction of Indic Foundation that a garden looks better and prettier if it is filled with varied flora and fauna.

Principles, processes & techniques shared in the programs help the participants first to discover who they are, what is their purpose in life, where they are positioned now and how to reach where they ought to be.

All this is possible because of the Indic thoughts that are in vogue for eons. The texts that are a repository of these thoughts are the Brahma Sutras, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Our program derives its soul from this repository.

The German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhaeur is considered as a guide to many - those who have cited his influence include philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Anthony Ludovici, scientists such as Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein, psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, writers such as Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville, Thomas Mann, George Bernard Shaw, Machado de Assis, Jorge Luis Borges, John Patric, and Samuel Beckett, and, notably, the composer Richard Wagner.

He mentions in his magnum opus The World as Will & Representation: "In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death."

The Indic thoughts are beneficial and elevating because they do not compel the seeker to accept the Ultimate Truth but lay before us the methods & facts that allow us to discover and internalize the Truth for ourselves. They train us to ask right questions. They encourage debate. They empower the seeker with courage and conviction to undertake the journey of Self discovery.

It is not without reason way back in 2014 Forbes published some interesting observations on India (Thoughts On India - Forbes India)

The programs offered through this platform aspire to invoke similar loftier expressions, impressions and transformations that some of the World leaders have experienced and expressed.

Thus each batch then practices, under guidance, whatever they learnt during the programs, see their transformation first before taking a call to becoming a Life Coach.

If the Indic approach interests you then write to

Credits: Wikipedia & Deeshaa